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Notice Of Creditors-Partial Payment


Date: [Date of notice]

To: [Person being notified]

1. On [Date of transfer] a bulk transfer of the goods of [Type of goods], will be made to [Name of transferee] of [Address of transferee].

2. To the knowledge of the transferor, it has not done business under any other name during the last [Period of years] years.

3. The debts of the transferor may not be paid in full as they fall due as a part of this bulk transfer.

4. The goods to be transferred in bulk consist of [Type of goods] and are presently located at [Location of goods].

5. The estimated total of the debts of transferor, is $ [Total debts].

6. The schedule of the transferor's property and the list of his creditors as required by the Uniform Commercial Code in connection with this bulk transfer may be inspected at [Site of inspection].

7. The bulk transfer contemplated is required to pay existing debts. The existing debts of transferor total and consist of the following:

Name of Creditor Amount

1. [Name of Creditor 1] [Amount 1]

2. [Name of Creditor 2] [Amount 2]

3. [Name of Creditor 3] [Amount 3]

8. The bulk transfer contemplated is made for a new consideration. [Percent to pay] of [Total amount] to be paid on [Date to pay], at [Place to pay].

9. Creditors are directed to send all bills and claims to the following:
[Address for bills]
